Wednesday, December 15, 2010

well, i know this much is true.

As many Americans know, America's Next Top Model is a big deal...for some. I've begun to realize that each season tends to suck more than the previous. It's a chain reaction, really. The first few seasons of ANTM were so fun to watch, interesting, and had some very glamorous contestants. The runner up for the very first season of ANTM was one of my favorites. Oh my darling, Elyse Sewell. I didn't watch the whole first season but I've seen her around and I'm personally glad she didn't win because she's waaay too glamorous to be the spokesperson, or whatever, for Covergirl. It kind of amazes me how hard Tyra Banks, and the whole league of America's Next Top Model, try to make the show so high fashion. And they eventually just ran out of awesome places to go out of this country. I guess it's kind of ironic because they seem really antsy to get out of America. It's all like "HEY EVERYONE, WELCOME TO AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL, ok, now everyone hop on that damn plane." America's Next Top Model. Irony? I think so too.
(From Left:) Chelsea Hersley and Ann Ward

Alright, jump to this season. So I think I'm developing psychic powers or something because I seem to know practically every season, who's going to win, and who will be sent home. Last season's winner was, ahhhhhhh, I can't remember...OH! Krista. I barely even care anymore. Okay, well, I didn't know she was going to win nor did I care. But a few seasons ago there was Nicole. Not fifth cycle Nicole, but like, thireenth cycle Nicole. Yeah, her. I liked her. A lot. She was so bizarre and beautiful and I just knew right from the very beginning that she was going to win. So, I guess my point being is that Top Model is one, whole, big clichè. I guess you could say I'm kind of nostalgic about going back to the first couple of seasons, using those same pretty people again, use whatever's left over of their modeling "experience", and run a good, time-worthy, show. I cannot say that I will be staying tuned for next season. I have to admit though, I'm very happy Ann won this season. Chelsea was just annoying and overly self-confident. Is it just me or do the contestants get ghetto-er and trashier every season? Ha, ha, ha, yes readers, they do.