Friday, January 28, 2011

it makes me cry.

i really wish i could explain to everyone how much i love the 2007 film 'Across The Universe'. i don't think anyone loves it more than i do. for those who don't know what it's about, you don't need to. it's basically just anti-war activists and a bunch of hippies in the 1960's who are against the war as any hippie would be, and they just do a bunch of musical numbers (all Beatles songs i might add) and skinny dip in ponds and have sex and join in rallies to stop the war in Vietnam and and and and and go to circuses and and and and drink pink punch laced with LSD and and go on this really cool bus and Bono starts singing 'I Am The Walrus' and and is just all around fantastic. it takes place in New York's Greenwich Village. sometimes i feel like i had a past life in the 60's. i feel like i could be one of those people. they don't have a care in the world, and lived without limits, and just did whatever the hell they felt like. they were permanently high.
i've just always felt like i belonged. i wanna wear crazy clothes and listen to awesome music and not give a damn. mod or hippie, whichever. i usually dress mod-ish, i don't know if you would call it that, but i just grab some clothes and that's what i end up with.

i really do love the clothes in this movie. especially prudence's dress. she's the asian one with the lacey-ish slip/dress on the upper right. i've been trying to find that dress everywhere. i tried etsy and stuff, but they didn't have anything that looked similar to that one. i don't know if anybody noticed but Joe Anderson (guy on far left with paisley-ish flannel) looks a hell of a lot like Kurt Cobain. if you put a picture of Joe Anderson and Kurt Cobain right next to each other, you can barely tell the difference. i only noticed it when someone pointed it out to me. i was dumb not to have noticed.

well, just to put my point out there. i would highly recommend you go to your nearest blockbuster or dvd store and see this movie right away. you are an idiot if you don't. just kidding.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

long hair don't care.

so i've been thinking...
my hair is considerably long i'd say. and it gets pretty annoying after awhile because i get so stressed out about what i want to do with and that involves doing damage to it. i tease it, straighten it, curl it (occasionally), and dye it like nobody's business. my hair just doesn't please me at all right now. anyways, i was talking to charlotte a few weeks ago (who has emma watson short hair) and i was really inspired by her hair and how she has to do practically nothing with it to make it look good. so i was all like 'hey charlotte, should i cut my hair super short like yours is?' 'why yes, nina, i think you should do whatever makes you happy.' well. despite my cheesy-made-up dialogue, we had an intense conversation about what a girl like me is to do with such hair. so i finally came to a conclusion that i would like to, after the play, cut my hair short. like winona ryder short.
 at first, i just thought that this idea wasn't going to last longer than 5 minutes. knowing that my mom would try to talk me out of it, i explained to her why i wanted it, and that i'm sick and done with long hair. she said 'that's fine with me' but in a do-whatever-you-want-as-long-as-it's-not-blue kind of tone. if that makes sense. i just hate worrying about hair, so i agreed with myself that it was time to chop it off. march 15th'll be the day. wish me luck!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

it's a. nice day for a. white wedding.

OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD. So the other day I was scrolling along the pages of Facebook, when I noticed an ad that caught my eye. It read, "Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman Marry". I KNOW, RIGHT?!?! I might've knocked over a couple things due to my excitement. I don't even know where Amanda Palmer went for awhile. She kind of just disappeared from the public eye. Well, in case you might've not known, Amanda Palmer was the former lead singer in The Dresden Dolls, and Neil Gaiman is an author who wrote novels such as Sandman and Coraline. For a moment I thought that the ad was a little risquѐ because it didn't look very convincing to me. But then I saw this.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. This picture is so adorable. It makes me want to run around in a wedding dress and dance and jump in pools. I don't think I want to be married, though. It's like, when you're married, your life is basically over. You made a HUGE commitment and stuff, and I don't think that's what life should be about. You would have to go by "Mrs." or whatever. Uchk. I wouldn't really know right now. I probably just don't even know what I'm talking about. Oh well. Anyways, about the picture. HOW THE HELL DID I NOT KNOW THIS WAS GOING ON BETWEEN THEM?! Amanda Palmer's my idol, I think I would've known. Gah. But congrats to the happy couple! <3

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

in recent time...

So, I just went back to school like...yesterday. And I've been pretty preoccupied with many things, my friends. Such as; the school play. Well that's basically it other than homework and all that usual crap. BUT, I might just tell you that I got a very good part in the play, "Annie", and I might just tell you that I got one of the lead roles. YYYIIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEEEE. And I might just tell you that I screamed in front of practically the entire school when I found this out. But I don't think I will. Anywhooooooooo, my best friend also got a lead role and we have many scenes together which I'm supa excited about. So, of course, we had to go back to her house and act all sad and pat snow on our faces so it would melt and look like we had been crying due to the god-awful parts we got...being the brilliant actresses we are. WELL, we went into her house and her mom, being the eccentric and excited person she is, was baffled when she found out we got lame-o parts. I could kind of tell that she wasn't buying it for a minute. So, Sydney went to the bathroom and I had to keep up the act until she got out. But when she did, we both shouted out our parts simultaneously, jumping up and down screaming. I'm pretty sure her mom screamed louder than we did. Combined.

I'm probably gonna finish blogging tomorrow because it's 10:41 and I'd like to go to bed. Well honestly, I wouldn't but I kind of have to if I want to not wake up late tomorrow morning like I did this morning...whoops. Goodnight/day to all!